

The possibility of interaction and integrated execution of extension and research projects in the environmental area was the starting point for some professors at the Federal University of Goiás to envision the creation of a postgraduate course that focused on the study of the environment. The initial feasibility process of the proposal went through moments of elaboration, submission, approval, and execution of research projects, which involve professors from the Institutes of Biological Sciences (ICB), Chemistry (IQ), and Socio-Environmental Studies (IESA), and that were included in the CNPq Midwest Research and Graduation Program.


The verification that other UFG teachers, allocated at the School of Agronomy (EA), at the College of Sciences, History, and Philosophy (FCHF), and Law School (FD) also acted in the environmental area, made it possible, in August 2000, UFG submitted to CAPES the proposal to create a doctoral program, considering the new trends of Brazilian graduate studies. This multidisciplinary proposal was also concerned with not overlapping the other master's programs in operation at UFG, under the premise of not preventing the creation of new doctorates by existing master's courses.


The proposal to create the Multidisciplinary Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences was approved by CAPES on 10/25/2001, and the course was approved by UFG on 12/21/2001.


On 06/08/2004, the Multidisciplinary Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences had received, from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás, the Aroeira Trophy in recognition of its role in the defense of the environment in Goiás.
In the CAPES evaluation, for the 2001-2003 triennium, the Multidisciplinary Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences, despite the high scientific production presented, of approximately 5 articles/professor/year, and despite the various works in cooperation with international entities, still maintained concept 4, because, as it is a recently approved course, it has not yet presented public thesis defenses.


The dissertation developed at CIAMB, entitled “Population Genetic Structure of Physalaemus Cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Anura: Leptodactylidae) and Human Occupation Patterns in the State of Goiás”, authored by Mariana Pires de Campos Telles, supervised by Prof. Dr. Rogério Pereira Bastos, won the CAPES Award for dissertations in the multidisciplinary area.


In the evaluation, related to the 2004-2006 triennium, CIAMB received the honorable concept 5, which showed the high competence and scientific production of its teachers and students


CIAMB also included the vision of Engineering, but without changing the concern with the relations between society and nature in terms of environmental impacts. During this period, CIAMB had a variable total of 15 to 18 permanent teachers, and on average also 3 external collaborators. The graduates were absorbed, almost in an absolute majority, by others universities, mainly UFG, UEG (Universidade Estadual de Goiás), PUC-GO, and UnB, in addition to state government departments and private or mixed companies in smaller proportion, located in the Goiás state, some with operations in the north and northeast regions.


Several research laboratories at the Federal University of Goiás, linked to CIAMB elaborated projects and submitted them for evaluation by FINEP, CNPq, FAPEG, and other development agencies and obtain financing to modernize and expand their scientific production capacities. The modernization of research laboratories linked to CIAMB continued in the following years.


The dissertation developed at CIAMB, entitled “Mathematical Modeling for Selection by Priority Areas for Conservation: Methods, Scenarios, and Contributions for Territorial Management in Goiás”, authored by Maria Socorro Duarte da Silva Couto, supervised by Prof. Dr. Laerte Guimarães Ferreira, was awarded an honorable mention in the CAPES Award for dissertations in the multidisciplinary area.


The faculty CIAMB continued to evolve with the incorporation of new teachers of spatial analysis, Environmental Mutagenesis, and Environmental Microbiology.


CIAMB teacher, through the various research laboratories that are part of the CIAMB structure, develop numerous research projects financed by national and international development agencies, such as CNPq/PRONEX; CNPq; FINEP/CTINFRA; FINEP/CTPETRO/FINEP and others; CNPq/Universal Edital, NASA/Land Use Land Cover Change Initiative; European Economic Community (EEC), Goiás State Research Support Foundation (FAPEG), Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Applied Geosolutions, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Brazil), The Nature Conservancy Brasil, among others. All of these projects were attended by students from CIAMB, which resulted in several dissertations, theses, and scientific articles published in the most varied national and international journals.


CIAMB, in continuity with the growing demands, as well as from the perspective of the newly created Master's level, decided to accredit new teachers, in the area of soil and environment, in the area of biodiversity conservation, and the areas of engineering and sanitation. In the same year, CIAMB became part of the Tordesilhas Doctoral College, together with the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain).


A committee of CIAMB professors visits the University of Aveiro, in Portugal. From that moment on, the possibility of advances in the construction of an institutional project for internationalization that favored the theme of comparative studies on the anthropization of savannas was perceived. Since then, efforts have been made to develop contacts and research that focus on the Brazilian savannah and the African savannah, particularly in Mozambique, with the involvement of universities, teachers, and students from that country.


New teachers were incorporated, some with international experience, who work in the field of fluvial geomorphology, sustainable development, environmental monitoring through unmanned aerial vehicles, and genetics.


Due to the growing scientific production, obtained from the intense involvement of its faculty and student in projects of international relevance, CIAMB obtained the honorable concept 6 in the CAPES evaluation.


CIAMB promoted the second International Savannah Anthropization Seminar in Brazil and Mozambique, with the participation of teachers from the Pedagogical University of Mozambique. CIAMB also received visits from the Ambassador of Mozambique in Brazil, and together with CIAMB professors and the Rector of the Pedagogical University, efforts have been made to carry out a MINTER or DINTER in Mozambique. In 2018, the Program received funding from the state research promotion agency, FAPEG, and at a Collegiate meeting, it was established that the funds would be used primarily for this project to carry out a MINTER or DINTER in Mozambique. Unfortunately, all activities towards this partnership were suspended by the Pandemic unleashed with Covid-19. As soon as there is a positive outlook, contacts will be resumed and this project will continue to be a top priority for CIAMB. In 2018, CIAMB began its participation in a cooperation project with the Graduate Programs in Environmental Sciences at UFAM and Agroecology at UERR under PROCAD Amazônia. Among other objectives, it promoted the consolidation of the Graduate Programs in Environmental Sciences and Agroecology at the Federal University of Amazonas and the State University of Roraima; encourage scientific-academic interaction between these programs and the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Goiás, in order to establish cooperation networks between them; encourage the strengthening of research lines among the Postgraduate Programs participating in this cooperation; contribute to the regional balance of Brazilian postgraduate courses, by promoting the improvement of the Programs in regions lacking technical resources; expand the training of masters and scientific-academic production in Institutions Associated II and Proponent; support the development of research projects in the Western Amazon region; promote the mobility of professors, graduate students and undergraduate students among the research teams involved in the projects to be developed.


Through CNPq 1/2019 Support for the training of doctors in strategic areas, was signed a partnership with the Postgraduate Program in Society, Nature and Development (PPGSND) of the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) based in Santarém. The project is entitled “Strengthening Research in Society, Nature and Development in the Amazon”, whose objective is: To consolidate the research activities developed by PPGSND students in the area of environmental sciences within the scope of Environmental and Social Impacts of the Change in the Use of Land in the Amazon and its effects on water, food, biome and population health.